Monday, October 05, 2009

If I Close My Eyes

If I close My eyes
I can almost feel
The brush of fingertips
And cool, softly tickling hair

If I close My eyes
I can still remember
Pale crystal blue
Shining from in the dark

If I close My eyes
I can all but hear
Soft whispers in My ear
And sounds beyond the trees

If I close My eyes
I can convince Myself
That though We're not together
We're not that far apart

History's Enough

What was once is now again
Come full circle ever more
Most last a jungle, drenched with rain
Is now a desert, parched with dust

Are these the mirrors of the past
come back again to haunt
A different place with different lives
But with the same result

The list of names and numbers
Grows longer each new day
How many times until the end
How long must this go on

What the difference made is asked
And is it worth the cost
But the answer, like the rest
Stays as it was before

In a heartfelt thanks from a man
And the smile of a child
And in a hope for something more
Than a life of fear and terror

The answer then now is still the same
Of if it is or was enough
If but only one lone life now is better off
It all matters very much

It Happens So Fast

Another one gone, another name added
To a list already far too long
Just when you think that it's the end
There goes yet another friend

How many more
Who and how next time?
Another string of bullet fire
Or a spinning, upturned tire

No rhyme, no reason
Empty halls and cold stone walls
Letters cut deep and clean into the rock
While tear-streaked faces look on in shock

A lesson learned too early on
Starting when life should be trucks and dolls
Live each day as if it were the last
For you never know, and it happens so fast

~RIP Adam (July 16th, 2006)~

Harken to the Games

Harken to the Games, but Heed Thee Such Words You Hear

The watcher sits and watches
A merrymaker in his merriment.
The chaos of a spoken trif'e
An echo of a real life

But who thee really art thou now?
Where does the fettered patrician pose?
'Neath the amassed layers of guile,
Who presides o'er the parody?

Does the jester the merriment mastermind?
Or is the king not but another pawn.
Does the watcher really watch?
Or is he himself but the watched.

A Life of Lies

A life of lies
An echoed ghost
Of what's supposed to be
Of who I am
And who I was
And who I want to be

A life of pretence
Thoughts and feelings
Hidden from the world
But most importantly
Kept secret, silent
And hidden from Myself.

To face that mirror
To see inside
I no longer recognize
The silhouette of My life
That returns the stare
Emptily back at Me

And all the while
I convince Myself
It matters not
And all will be just fine
And yet deep inside
I know that I am living

A life that is a lie.

The Sound of Alone

Shattering glass and echoes of a silent scream
The trickle of water forms into a flood
A swirl of wind and the wish of a dream
Creaking of a door followed with a reverberating bang

The pounding of a half-stone heart
Shuddered breath explodes its way out
Repudiative of the world standing to be torn apart
A half-screamed plea but an echoing whisper

Breathing of anguish tried to express
The ringing of questions without any answers
Moans of an arch wanting of a caress
A whispering cold filled with the roar of blackness